Martin Luther King Jr. Edith Wiggins
Student Scholarship Application

2025 Scholarship Details

The Martin Luther King, Jr. Edith Wiggins Scholarship is a need-based scholarship that promotes the advancement of higher education and helps to alleviate the burden of financing a college education. Each year, the scholarship committee awards a minimum of $1,000 in scholarships to 10-15 graduating seniors who have demonstrated financial need, a commitment to community involvement and improvement through their civic, educational and religious activities.

Your application will be scored based on the following criteria:

  1. Graduating senior who attends high school in Orange County, NC
  2. Academic Performance
  3. Involvement/Civic Engagement/Leadership
  4. Application Presentation/Completion
  5. Essay Responses
  6. References
  7. Responsibilities and Financial Need (Income Limits for families in Chapel Hill/Orange County)
The online application for MLK Jr/Edith Wiggins Scholarship is open until Thursday, April 10,2025. 
2023 MLK Jr. Memorial Banquet
Brown Girls Rock
2025 Martin Luther King Jr./Edith Wiggins Student Scholarship Application
(Name, Title, Relationships to you, Phone Number and Email)
(Name, Title, Relationships to you, Phone Number and Email)
Min 250 Max 500
Min 250 Max 500 words
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
Please upload an unofficial copy of your transcripts/grade report
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload a headshot. This image will be only be shared if you are selected for the scholarship. Images of the scholarship recipients will be add to the website and shared on social media. By uploading your image you are consenting and giving the MLK University/Community Planning Corporation permission to use your likeness for the reason mention above.